Vow Break & Negative Implant Removal Combo

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Vow Break & Negative Implant Removal.png

Vow Break & Negative Implant Removal Combo


This dynamic duo will have you looking at yourself with new eyes!! The Vow Break system breaks vows and contracts that you made knowingly and unknowingly putting yourself in a state of bondage. It breaks these vows and contracts across dimensions and realities where your soul dwells. Even in your genetic lineage! The Negative Implant Removal system clears and removes negative energies that affect your 4 body system (mental, emotional, spiritual & physical) in a negative way; causing you to feel stagnant and sluggish.

After this session, you’ll be clear, light and ready to take on the world! This is a great way to start on a high note with anything in your life! New job! New relationship! New you!! The possibilities are endless!! Invest in yourself for a better YOU!!!

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