Purposed Infused Healing Oils

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Purposed Infused Healing Oils

from $7.00

These varied Purposed Infused Healing Oils are infused with 100% essential oils, ethereal crystals, healing and protective oils to assist you on your spiritual journey. These oils are topical only. Not for consumption.

Khepera’s Transformation Oil - NEW RECIPE!! Let’s step into your authentic self! Focus your intent to being a better version of self! Use as needed. DO NOT CONSUME. $7

Ingredients - 100% Grape Seed Oil; 100% E.O.: Lavender, Cinnamon, Clove; Orange Zest; Celestial Crystals: Clear Quartz, Turquoise, Alexandrite & Gold Calcite; Energetics: DNA 4 Success Reiki, Full Spectrum Light, 42 Name of God, Pure Stainless Light – 10 ml/

Monetary Energy Flow Oil - With good intentions to tap into the monetary energy flow, call forth to self the needed currency. You can apply oil to actual currency, change, debit/credit cards, wallet, purse and any other spiritual task you deem fit. Goes great with the Alter My Reality Candles! DO NOT CONSUME. $13

Ingredients - EVOO; 100 % E.O.: Bergamot, Cinnamon, Ginger, Patchouli, Nutmeg; Celestial Crystals: Citrine, Diamond, Prasem (African Jade) & Clear Quartz; Energetics: Abundance & Success Reiki – .5 oz.

Personal and Home Protection Oil: This oil can be used in many ways! Cover your outside doorways and window frames, use on your person from head to toe when performing spiritual tasks, spiritual baths or just to be out in public places! The possibilities are endless! Goes great with the Alter My Reality Candles! DO NOT CONSUME. $10

Ingredients - EVOO; 100 % E.O.: Cedar wood, frankincense, Rosemary, Bergamot, Geranium; Celestial Crystals: Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Tektite, Clear Quartz; Energetics: Shungite Shield of Archangel Michael and 42 Letter Name of God (Ana B’Koach) – .5 oz.

Oregano Foot Oil: This foot oil is ideal to use during cold/flu season to help pull out toxins. Just apply to the bottom of your feet and put some socks on! DO NOT CONSUME. $15

Ingredients: Organic Castor Oil, 100% Organic Essential Oil of Oregano, Shungite Water Reiki, DNA Healing Reiki & Psychic Protection, Mother of 9 Healing Energy - 1 oz.

Sacred Womb Oil is great to apply to your womb area to be detoxed, soothed and comforted. DO NOT CONSUME. $12

Ingredients: Organic Castor Oil, 100% Essential Oils: Lavender, Jasmine, Geranium; Ethereal Crystals: Clear Quartz, Carnelian; Energetics: Shungite 10 ml

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