Negative Implant Removal

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Negative Implant Removal

Sale Price:$150.00 Original Price:$222.00

t’s a great time to release unwanted things that’s not of our highest good. Especially removing etheric implants. However, etheric implants can be removed at any time needed!!

The question is not “Do I have implants?” Rather “What kind(s) of implants do I have?” and “How do I get rid of all of them?”

Implants are obstructions limiting spiritual vibration in the path of ascension that blocks progress toward full self-mastery. These dark force implants tend to harvest energy, modify emotions, block spiritual connection, and telepathic persuasion to name a few. They dwell in the emotional and mental bodies of their victims. Implants can also be the spiritual cause of many physical illnesses.

This cleansing process includes the energies of Archangel Michael, Vywamus and Lenduce.

This life-changing service can be done long-distance or in person.

To experience this spiritually freeing practice, don’t hesitate to make your appointment today!

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